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United States

Driving Exploitation – Examining Human Trafficking in the European Union and its Trucking Industry

The European Union’s role as a political and economic bloc allows its member states to have a freer flow of goods and people, which. largely benefits from greater trade and economic cooperation between them via the Schengen Area and its lack of border controls. By the same token, it also provides opportunities for criminal organisations that use the free flow of goods to evade the legal system across the EU and within its member states.

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Cover of the 2023 Brazil Annual Cargo Theft Report, featuring charts from inside.

Brazil Annual Report 2023

In 2023, Brazil’s economic results exceeded the forecasts of both experts and the government. The projected inflation rate was 5.42%, yet Brazil closed the year at 4.62%. The basic interest rate (SELIC)
was projected to be 12.25% but wound up being 11.75%.

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