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Mexico Annual Report 2022
Learn about Mexico’s cargo theft trends from 2022 and what they mean for your shipments today.
In 2022, cargo theft in Mexico surged, nearly reaching pre–pandemic numbers. Central Mexico
was especially impacted, as were several specific product types, including Food & Beverage and
Auto Parts. And as these theft events continue into 2023, shippers must be able to identify and
prepare against risk.
Overhaul’s latest report analyzes Mexico’s 2022 cargo theft trends in order to better understand
which locations, times of day, and days of the week pose the greatest threat to cargo. We also
conducted an in–depth analysis of thefts in the state of Puebla and thefts involving Auto Parts,
both of which experienced substantial increases.
With this information, shippers can better plan their routes and outfit their carrier with the risk
monitoring solutions they need to stay protected. Read our report to gain a better understanding
of 2022 cargo theft trends in Mexico, how these trends are influencing 2023, and what you can
do to keep your shipments safe.
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Mexico Monthly Cargo Theft Report October 2024
During the month of July 2024, cargo theft in Mexico decreased 4.6% compared to the previous month (June 2024) and remained at the same number of thefts as July 2023.
USA Monthly Cargo Theft Report October 2024
During the month of July 2024, cargo theft in Mexico decreased 4.6% compared to the previous month (June 2024) and remained at the same number of thefts as July 2023.
Holiday Awareness (Thanksgiving)
In addition to thoroughly vetting all brokers, carriers, and drivers, and documenting all necessary details for each shipment, shippers should confirm in advance if the receiver’s hours of operation will be affected by the holiday and adjust any schedules as needed to avoid unnecessary staging