Increased Trailer Modifications and Fraudulent Activity

Increased Trailer Modifications and Fraudulent Activity

Picture of Intelligence & Response Manager
Intelligence & Response Manager

Overhaul also recommends that all shippers targeted and high value products make all origins aware of this tactic and implement inspection procedures to prevent any cargo being loaded on to trailers that have been modified to provide unauthorized access to your cargo.

Date: 03/28/2024
Location: United States and Canada

Incident: Increased Trailer Modifications and Fraudulent Activity  


Overhaul continues to see trailers that have been modified to allow entry into the trailer without breaking the seal. It should be stressed that the only reason for such modifications is for criminal intentions, either illicit double loading or outright theft. As such, Overhaul recommends that any trailer that arrives with such modifications should not be allowed to carry freight.

The most common method for modifying trailers continues to be the replacing of the rivet on the trailer seal hasp with a nut and bolt. However, the tactic if replacing rivets with nuts and bolts has expanded to the sleeves that secure the lock rods to the trailer doors. This allows thieves to bypass even high security seals such as container locks that span the lock rods
of both trailer doors.

A close-up of a bolt Description automatically generated A metal object with a handle

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

In addition, origins should be aware that this method can be disguised with specialty hardware known as “Chicago Screws”. These items act as a nut and bolt, but give the appearance form the outside of being normal rivets. Chicago screws are available off the shelf at many hardware stores.

TRUBIND Chicago Screw and Post Sets ...

This method is a risk factor all on its own, but it is also used as another layer to frustrate investigations in a fraudulent theft. As such, implementing stringent carrier compliance vetting and bad actor tracking such as with Overhaul’s Carrier Watchlist is recommended.  

Overhaul also recommends that all shippers targeted and high value products make all origins aware of this tactic and implement inspection procedures to prevent any cargo being loaded on to trailers that have been modified to provide unauthorized access to your cargo.  

With all theft methods, contextual intelligence, remote compliance monitoring, and real time visibility are critical to preventing cargo theft. An immediate escalation process with a path to effective law enforcement engagement is critical to recognizing and recovering cargo once it has been stolen.