Electronics OTR Pilferage, 4 arrested, and Recovery

Trucks involved in EMEA supply chain take to the road at night.

Electronics OTR Pilferage, 4 arrested, and Recovery

Picture of Intelligence & Response Manager
Intelligence & Response Manager

Overhaul recommends that shippers of targeted and high demand or high value products employ as many visibility solutions as able, and brief drivers on contextual intelligence as it applies to their route. Additionally, drivers should be on the lookout for suspicious activity, including signs of being followed from origin or signs of surveillance at stop locations. Team drivers should never leave the load unattended, even for a short period of time. If possible, when stopping, the trailer should be parked in a well-lit and visible area, if a solid surface to back up to is not available. Drivers should also maintain communication with dispatch and/or a remote monitoring center when traveling through or stopping in a high-risk area.   

Date: 07/17/2024
Location: Arizona, California

Incident:  Electronics Pilferage, Multiple Arrests, and Recovery  

Yesterday, Overhaul enabled the arrest of four suspects and the recovery of cargo from an OTR pilferage performed in Arizona.  

On the morning of Tuesday, July 16, the Overhaul LE Connect team initiated a response on a shipment of next generation consumer electronics that was pilfered from a truck stop in Winslow, AZ after departing from the greater LA Basin. The trailer door lock rods had been cut using power tools to access and bypass exterior trailer security measures.  

Coordinating with the Arizona DPS and Winslow PD, the Overhaul LE Connect team provided officers with a link providing visibility into the Risk Monitoring platform, allowing the officers the ability to track the cargo’s location and condition in real time. 

This data allowed law enforcement to catch up to and intercept the suspects just outside of Seligman, AZ, where, through evidence gathered from the scene, the Arizona DPS identified a white cargo van and a box truck travelling west as the potential suspects.  

Law enforcement conducted a stop on the vehicles and confirmed suspect identities. The van was found to contain power tools and other burglary tools that had been used to enter the trailer. The stolen cargo was found in the box truck and the full stolen amount was recovered.  

Overhaul recommends that shippers of targeted and high demand or high value products employ as many visibility solutions as able, and brief drivers on contextual intelligence as it applies to their route. Additionally, drivers should be on the lookout for suspicious activity, including signs of being followed from origin or signs of surveillance at stop locations. Team drivers should never leave the load unattended, even for a short period of time. If possible, when stopping, the trailer should be parked in a well-lit and visible area, if a solid surface to back up to is not available. Drivers should also maintain communication with dispatch and/or a remote monitoring center when traveling through or stopping in a high-risk area.   

Contextual intelligence, remote compliance monitoring, real time visibility, and an immediate escalation with a path to effective law enforcement engagement are critical to recognizing and recovering stolen cargo. 

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