
Our deviceless tracking solution streamlines carrier onboarding with connections to the most common ELD providers. We empower users with the tools and data needed to take corrective action, on the go, at a lower cost– without compromising intelligence. 

Drive compliance and corrective actions
to avoid risk

ComplyTrack offers enhanced capabilities to customers to proactively manage in-transit compliance across their carrier network. For those companies who manually manage transit compliance, this is a world away from how they operate with ETAs, simple transit milestone updates, or dots on a map.


Secure enhanced protection through LE Connect

ComplyTrack can be enhanced further with our add-on LE Connect service. When a theft occurs for example, LE Connect is immediately engaged to provide a bridge between the stolen shipment and the appropriate law enforcement response.  

Our team of cargo crime experts and law enforcement liaisons not only lift the burden of cargo theft from the customer, but they also dramatically increase the likelihood of a recovery and arrests for law enforcement. 

Tailored solutions to meet your specific needs

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